历史 is one of the most important and fundamental fields of academic inquiry. By knowing our past, we better understand our current civilizations and we better prepare for a more just and progressive shared future. The Pasadena City College 历史 Department has a wide selection of over 20 courses focusing on women, California, Middle East, Chicano/Latinos, and more. 

"Those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it."

Many students at PCC take one or more history courses. Our history courses offer you a foundation critical to understanding international relations, business, the arts, the sciences, and more.

Students take our history courses for a variety of resources. 我们广度的核心 of history courses is the United States history series: 历史 7AB, and the world history series: 历史 2AB. Most of our history courses will fulfill your Diversity Requirement for pursuing an AA/AS degree. Or, if you are planning to transfer, you can take our courses to fulfill a GE requirement. Finally, you can earn the Associate in Arts for 转移 (AA-T) degree in history, which ensures you meet all the requirements to transfer to a CSU as a history major. 

Each semester we offer a variety of 历史 courses that can be taken individually or as part of a planned program leading to a transfer degree. 使用下面的链接 to see full course descriptions and our current offerings. 

历史| Associate in Arts for 转移 学位 (AA-T)

Earn a degree AND prepare to transfer. By completing the AA-T in history, you will finish the general education requirements as well as the lower division major requirements for a Bachelor degree in history prior to transferring to a CSU.

To complete the AA-T in 历史, you must complete 18 units of history in a prescribed pattern, complete 60 units of General Education courses, and maintain a minimum 2.0 平均绩点.

View 学位 Requirements

Satisfy 通用电气要求 with 历史 Courses

历史 courses also fulfill IGETC requirements in Area 3 and Area 4. 的课程 receive lower division CSU/UC credits. 经济学 1A and 1B will satisfy CSU GEs, IGETC Requirements as well as GEs for some private and independent institutions. 参观 转移中心 for resources to make sure these courses satisfy GEs for your degree 或者转移计划.

回顾转移 & 通用电气要求

With a degree in history, you can move in many different career directions. 与 skills you learn from your history courses such as reading, analyzing data, synthesizing arguments, and thinking, you will be a marketable individual who is capable of analyzing and critical thinking. 历史 degrees are adaptable to you if you are planning on pursuing a career in global studies, urban planning, teaching and education work, social work, library science, art and music, creative writing, journalism, business, politics, ethnic studies, and public policy. Your history education can also be used to enhance your volunteer activism and community involvement.
Our department encourages you to get actively involved in opportunities and events 在校园. With student groups 在校园 such as Puente, MEChA, Black Student Alliance, Queer Alliance, Feminist Club, TROPA (Filipino Club), and the Global Club, you can put your classroom knowledge into practice! You can also enroll in 历史 20, a class that will give you the opportunity to conduct an independent study history project with any of the full-time history faculty members.